The Weblog

This weblog contains news and the weblog entries from all the markets currently using the system.

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Champaign, OH:  Tuesday's Gone

Tuesday’s gone with the wind…
I tell you, Tuesday’s gone, oh she’s gone with the wind…
(Lynyrd Skynyrd – Tuesday’s Gone)

Yes…Tuesday is just about gone for this week, for this market…so, if you have yet to order, you have until 10pm. Please think about what you may need, and how we can make your life easier AND about how you can easily eat entirely locally, just by using our little market of love…

At this point in the season, the month, I am always drawn back to a point in time, in the very late fall, when I was in high school, and we would all travel out to field parties or park parties or parties in the woods. When lines of cars would travel out to the middle of nowhere and as each car would park, and unload passengers, and stereos or a lot of times even a band because yes, in our big circle of people, we had our own house band of sorts, the fun would begin. The local kids having local fun.

The band was a legend at our high school. In fact, they still gather, at special times to perform. They would perform at dances, parties, there was even a time when downtown buildings, in our town, would rent to them. Epic.

Anyway, at one such outside party, I remember a house deck, the band, and a dedication to your’s truly, with this song. We listened to a lot of Lynyrd Skynyrd, loved the fall season, celebrated the last of the warm evenings before the season would disappear, and basically, just loved what our local surroundings were, back then.

In our own way, we were the local faces of our West End, of our favorite hang out spots, of our town. We were proud of where we came from, of our growing up, and of each other. We had a brotherhood/sisterhood of local love.

I bring with me, now, to this little local market, that same pride, that same local awareness, the same pride in watching this market grow up.

We are here for you, we celebrate you, and we celebrate all that we take from our local surroundings…

We are open until 10pm, talk to me, order, do it all before Tuesday, is in fact, gone…

Peace and Love,
Cosmic Pam

ALFN Local Food Club:  Weblog Entry

Each and every year, the crispness of autumn air ushers in a whirlwind of awesome events. As a Food Club member, you’re already ahead of the game in streamlining the “must do’s” to maximize time for the “want to’s.” Order all you can eat from The Market, and you can grab all the great food you need for the week in one efficient stop. That leaves plenty of time for:

  • Boo & Brew at The Rep. Wednesday at 6:00PM enjoy a pizza and beer reception before settling in for a thrilling production of Wait Until Dark!
  • The 7th Annual B Street Rib Off is happening this Saturday at Argenta Plaza. Indulge in some friendly competition, or just sit back and enjoy the spoils.

And if all that doesn’t leave you in a post-event stupor, you’ll have a few days to perfect that secret family recipe for The Arkansas Cornbread Festival. Whether you’re in it to win it or simply there for the samples, you won’t want to miss this spectacularly southern celebration of all things maize.

It’s true. There really is no better time than fall to be in Arkansas. Just like there’s no better time than now to order from The Market.

-Rebecca Wild
Program Manager

Do you have questions or comments about this, or any, weblog? Thoughts on local food, goods, or events? Reply to this email and let us know what’s on your mind. Your feedback is always greatly appreciated!

Russellville Community Market:  Whole chickens, spinach, kale, more... A Reminder!

Hey everyone! Just a quick reminder that we’ll be closing for orders tonight at 10:00 p.m. Get your orders in soon!

Happy ordering!

We hope to see you on Thursday for the market pick-up!

Check out our Facebook page for great info on local foods issues and upcoming events.
Be sure to click on the “Like” button at the top of the Facebook page to get automatic updates. Thanks!

Russellville Community Market

Champaign, OH:  Groovy Tuesday!

Hello, lovely local market customers!

My day started extra early, today, with a very long 8am meeting, followed by bread deliveries, and then finally, my shop!

All I have for you, at this point, is to get your groove on, get your orders in, and make it a happenin’ Groovy Tuesday!

Think about your needs, think about all of the fall dishes you are wanting to prepare. Think of the herbs, spices, late season produce, cuts of meat, eggs, dairy, breads, assorted fish…jams and mustards to accompany all of this, along with a type of maple syrup, honey, or sorghum!

Don’t forget the teas, coffees, granola, baked goods, and flour, for morning or all day needs.

Let us help make you groovy!

But, to be groovy, you need to order!
Make me happy!

Peace and Love,
Cosmic Pam

Statesboro Market2Go:  Veggies, veggies, and more veggies!

Collard greens, turnips, okra, sweet potatoes, butternut squash, lettuce, and more!
Be sure to order today!

CLG:  Tuesday Reminder - Market Closes Tonight at 10pm.

Hello Friends,
There’s still time to place your order for pickup on Friday, October 31st. The market closes tonight around 10pm.

How to contact us:


Phone or text: Steve – 501-339-1039

Email: Steve –

Our Website:

On Twitter: @conwaygrown

On Facebook:

GFM :  Open

Market is Open for shopping. !

CSA Farmers Market:  Fall

It is a great time of year when the trees start to change color and the woodlots that we have are carpeted with glorious, oranges, reds browns and greens. Sometimes you have to be careful where you step so as to not find a prickly American Chestnut Seed.
Many years ago the chestnut trees grew tall and big throughout our area, but as seems to happen more often a disease came through and killed them. On White Pine Farm we have some trees only because I disease free stand was found in Northern Michigan and my uncle was helping to reintroduce them.
I could never figure for how prickly they were how the squirrels and other animals could get into them and eat the seeds inside. Of course I am not watching and filming the animals to solve these mysteries, instead I’m too busy trying to make the farm sustainable so that we can also protect and preserve the swamps and the woodlands. Someday when we get a breather from farming I may sit in the woods and observe nature, listen to the songs the birds sing, chase away the dear that want to eat the vanishing trilliums, watch the turtles lay their eggs, watch the sticklebacks swim in swallow waters and be grateful for the glorious world we live in knowing that we as organic farmers are preserving rather than destroying this good earth.

StPete.LocallyGrown.Net:  Market NOW Open - Oct. 27, 2014

Member monthly socials are where Growers, Customers, and Volunteers converge to swap seeds, recipes, and resources…
THIS is where contacts are truly made. AND good friends!

Ready To Order?

sign in & shop now
FIRST TIME CUSTOMERS You are invited to watch our Market Tutorial before you begin. If you do not receive an email confirmation immediately after you order, then you did not click the SUBMIT ORDER button and

SUAC Meeting Coming Up on Nov. 3rd

St. Pete Locally Grown is a proud member of SUAC (Sustainable Urban Agriculture Coalition), an organization that has been around for several years. Like many grassroots efforts, this one is comprised of dedicated local folks of all ages who are focused on shaping the future of agriculture in St. Petersburg. If you have never attended one of these meetings, come and see what it’s all about. Anyone who is interested in growing food, eating food, supporting sustainable local systems, etc. belongs in this group. YOU can help shape the future of your own backyard. Speaker next meeting is yours truly on the subject of “Starting an Urban Agriculture Business”. Date & Time: November 3rd at 7 PM
Location: Enoch Davis Recreation Center, 1111 18th Ave. S. St. Petersburg, FL 33705
. Tina, YOUR Market Manager

Message from Your Market Manager

Pam has posted the deadline as Tuesday 3PM due to the logistics of getting this fine product from her supplier for all things raw-cow. Look for it under the "M"s listed as “Milk – JTB Jersey Farms Raw Cow Milk TOTALLY NON GMO”.

From Florida: star fruit (carambola) from St. Petersburg, tangerines & golden pineapples from south FL, cucumbers from north FL (and they look so much better than last Market). From US West Coast: Fuji apples, Concorde pears, and red seedless grapes. PLEASE HELP US sell out on fruit this week as we are closed next week.

Red potatoes from Wisconsin and celery from California. We would love to find local growers with these items! Please point them in our direction? We provide these non-local items for the convenience of our customers as they have been requested.

Please call Market Manager 727-515-9469 for the details on these local opps:
Thursday morning: Want FREE star fruit? We need a few volunteers for about 90 minutes to go harvest star fruit from an urban contributor in St. Petersburg. You get to pick all you want for yourself as well! They have a ladder and a picking tool available.
Thursday afternoon: If you love goats and would like to visit with them every other week, then this opportunity may suit you. We need someone to go pick up the raw dairy products from The Dancing Goat in Oldsmar on Thursday of each Market week. We are willing to reimburse for mileage or roundtrip fuel, whichever works best for you. There is no obligation to do it every time. We would greatly appreciate an occasional week here or there.

A beautiful recipe from Volunteer Videographer Jeff Yentzer of with a lovely end result to behold: a Paleo meal garnished with starfruit. Almost too gorgeous to eat. Thank you, Jeff!

DO check the SPLG Market Calendar 2014 that is always posted so you can plan your shopping excursions on our online chemical-free veggie Market. As you know, we recently moved our Market hours to a biweekly (every other week) schedule. Here are the only exceptions to our plan through the end of this year. We won’t be open the week of Thanksgiving but WILL BE OPEN two consecutive weeks prior to Thanksgiving week so that you can be well stocked for the day of gratitude & fine dining with your families. In addition, we will be closed two weeks in a row—the weeks of Christmas and New Year’s. And finally, have you marked your calendars for our December 6th Holiday Party? It’s guaranteed to be an evening of enchantment! Tina, YOUR Market Manager

Once you have submitted your order, if in doubt about what you owe, you can always confirm what you have been charged for by checking your account history and viewing your most current invoice. Instructions on how to do that are on our Q&A page under the question entitled Since you don’t provide an invoice with delivery, how do I know what I owe? Also, since your vegetables are picked fresh within 24 hours of delivery, they should be lasting for WEEKS in your refrigerator. When you accept delivery, please take a few minutes to inspect your order to protect your vegetables from unnecessary spoilage. Lastly, it is imperative that you understand our policy on Unclaimed Orders found on our Q&A page. When you make a purchase you are agreeing to abide by this policy.

Our Market has high standards for what it sells. Despite that—as seasons transition—the challenges of evolving weather and pesky insects can take its toll on the crops. Market Growers are being very selective about what they are willing to present to you. No, it won’t always be picture perfect (which is part of its charm) and sometimes an insect is going to evade capture! But we won’t send you anything that we wouldn’t eat ourselves. If for any reason we have goofed and you are dissatisfied, please report it to me right away so we can rectify the situation. That’s how we get better and we all benefit from that. Your satisfaction is key to our success as a resource for St. Petersburgs’ lovers of chemical-free, organically & locally grown vegetables.

Upcoming Events

All these and more are posted on our Calendar of Events


  • “Successful Urban Farming in St. Petersburg” on Nov. 8th, 8AM Cost $35/$25. RSVP NOW
  • REAL DIRT: Make Your Own” on Nov. 15th, 8AM Cost $35/$25. RSVP NOW
  • Holiday Gathering Dec. 6th, 7-10pm. No potlucks in November and December. Mark your Calendars! BY e-vite ONLY for active Market customers, growers, and volunteers.

Volunteer Opportunities

We are currently organizing our volunteer needs by Grower and by Market. So when you are interested in learning how to garden and/or how to run an urban market—including a model for great delivery service for the Market—consider volunteering for the organizations below. Check back for more Growers to be listed.
Nathan’s Natural Veggies
Pioneer Settlement Garden
St. Pete Locally Grown Market

We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!

Joyful Noise Acres Farm:  Market closes at 8:00 pm.

Just to remind you to get your orders in before 8 tonight.
Harvest Meadows has 3 bags of lettuce and 1 mesclun blend available. The are not listed on the market. If you are interested in them, e-mail me and I will reserve one for you.

Blessings to you,
Mary Beth